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Cats in Mythology: Why They Were Worshipped and Still Inspire Tattoos

Cats have a noticeable presence, they move like royalty, demand attention on their own terms, and make us work hard to earn their love. But what if we told you that your cat's behaviour reflects its divine history rather than their personality? Cats have long been regarded across cultures as ancient deities and spiritual guardians. Let's look at why humans worshipped them and why so many people get tattoos.

Bastet: The Egyptian Protector

In ancient Egypt, cats weren’t just pets; they were sacred beings that were believed to bring protection and good fortune to their owners. Bastet, the cat-headed goddess of health, fertility, and protection, played a significant role in Egyptian mythology. She was originally depicted as a lioness, but over time, her image softened into that of a domestic cat, symbolizing grace and nurturing qualities. 

Egyptians held cats in such high regard that harming one was punishable by death. Temples were dedicated to Bastet, where cats were cared for, and wealthy families often adorned their cats with gold jewelry. When a household cat passed away, families would mourn them deeply, even shaving their eyebrows as a sign of grief. Many cats were mummified alongside their owners to accompany them into the afterlife. Today, Bastet-inspired tattoos symbolize mystery, strength, and divine protection.

Maneki-neko: The Japanese Lucky Charm

Ever noticed those adorable waving cat statues in shops and restaurants? That’s the Maneki-neko, a symbol of prosperity and good fortune in Japan. The legend behind the Maneki-neko traces back to a poor temple priest who owned a cat. One day, a samurai took shelter under a tree near the temple during a storm. He noticed the cat raising its paw as if beckoning him to come closer. Just as he moved, lightning struck the tree where he had been standing, saving his life. In gratitude, the samurai donated wealth to the temple, ensuring its prosperity. 

Since then, the Maneki-neko has been associated with luck and protection. Many Maneki-neko tattoos feature different colors and poses, each symbolizing a specific blessing: white for happiness, gold for wealth, and black for warding off evil spirits.

Freyja’s Feline Chariot: The Norse Connection

Vikings weren’t just about axes and longships but they also believed in the supernatural power of cats. In Norse mythology, Freyja, the goddess of love, beauty, war, and fertility, rode in a chariot pulled by two large cats, believed to be gifts from Thor. 

These cats, often depicted as wild forest cats or lynxes, were symbols of independence, cunning, and power. Cats were highly respected in Viking society, and sailors often kept them on ships, believing they could ward off bad luck and misfortune. Many modern-day cat lovers choose Norse-inspired tattoos featuring Freyja’s feline chariot or intricate Nordic cat designs to represent strength, resilience, and mystery.

Islamic Traditions: Symbols of Cleanliness and Compassion

Cats hold a special place in Islamic culture. The Prophet Muhammad was known for his deep affection for them, and his teachings encouraged kindness towards felines. One well-known story tells of Muhammad and his beloved cat, Muezza. As the story goes, Muezza was sleeping on the Prophet’s sleeve when the call to prayer sounded. Rather than disturbing his cat, Muhammad gently cut off the part of his robe where Muezza lay. This act of kindness solidified the deep respect for cats in Islamic tradition, where they are seen as pure and compassionate creatures. 

Additionally, Islamic teachings emphasize that cats should be well cared for and allowed inside homes due to their cleanliness. Many who admire this philosophy choose cat tattoos as a tribute to love, gentleness, and spiritual connection.

A Timeless Bond, Inked Forever

Throughout history, cats have been seen as more than just pets, they’re symbols of power, luck, protection, and love. They’ve been regarded as deities, cherished as good luck charms, and honored as spiritual companions. It’s no wonder that cat tattoos remain one of the most meaningful ways to celebrate their legacy. Whether it’s a portrait of your own feline friend or a design inspired by ancient cultures, carrying their essence on your skin makes them a permanent part of you.

So, if your cat has ever given you a ‘divine’ glare, just remember that it’s in their blood. And if you’re ready to immortalize that bond, we’ve got you.


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